- 07 350 3171
20 Biak Street

We're passionate about the good news, the Gospel and life in the Spirit, and whether it's at work, in school, with your whānau or impacting your community, we want to equip you to share your love for Jesus so you can be a vital part of building His Kingdom!
"On Earth as it is in Heaven!"

... a season of prayer.
We will be having a prayer meeting from 9-10am on Sunday mornings with a cuppa after.
(this will be the only Sunday Service.)

experiencing • empowering • equipping
whakamātau • whakamanahia • whakareri

Ascend Church: Vision - Mission - Values <click to listen>

"Pentecost to Pentecostal: A Brief History of the Church"

A Brief History of the Church <click here>

"We Cry Out" - by Rōpū: Ascend Worship Collective

Jebraun's Blog • "Such a Time as This"

What is it? "Encouragement for today, hope for the future.
Looking at life on the right side of the Cross!" - Jeb

Darren Wallbank's Blog • "Brick on Brick"

What is it? "Precept upon precept teaching on the sanctification process." - Darren
View Brick on Brick Prophetic Blog

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The Treasure Chest

The Treasure Chest contains books, podcasts, articles, links, preaching and teaching ... anything that has been "speaking" to me lately from around the Body of Christ! Gems that I think are worth a look. Some are meant to challenge, some to edify, some to comfort. Enjoy!
Blessings - scott
Go to the Treasure Chest complete archive

A compelling and astute "deep-dive" into the concepts behind Biblical hermeneutics. Parakeets make delightful pets. We cage them or clip their wings to keep them where we want them. Scot McKnight contends that many, conservatives and liberals alike, attempt the same thing with the Bible. We all try to tame it. McKnight's The Blue Parakeet has emerged at the perfect time to cool the flames of a world on fire with contention and controversy. It calls Christians to a way to read the Bible that leads beyond old debates and denominational battles. It calls Christians to stop taming the Bible and to let it speak anew for a new generation.
Very highly recommended!
"The Blue Parakeet" at Book Depository
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"How We Got Our Bible" ... Allen Parr talks about the process, criteria & challenges that the Church Fathers went through in order to establish the sixty six books collected in the Old and New Testament to give us the Bible we cherish today.
An erudite look at the scholarship of this important subject, put in terms anyone can follow along with.
Highly recommend!
"How We Got Our Bible" - YouTube
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"Communio Sanctorum: History of the Christian Church" ... Communio Sanctorum (meaning "Communion of the Saints") is an podcast that offers short, easy to follow episodes that overview the history of the Church. A daunting task, but Lance Ralston creates a great balance between detail and context that doesn't leave the listener overwhelmed, only informed! You will never know where you are going, unless you know where you have been. A general knowledge of Church history is important for every student of the Bible. This is a great place to start!
Highly Recommended.
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"What is an Apostle?" by Kris Vallotton ... What will the next season of the Body of Christ look like? How are groups of Believers being gathered together, in their diversity, now and in the future? The reestablishing of idea and concept of Apostolic ministry is foundational to the next season in the Church. Kris defines what it means to be an apostle, and shares foundational truths on what it looks like to move from denominationalism to apostleships.
Highly Recommend.
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"Translating God" by Shawn Bolz ... is a compelling look at Word of Knowledge based prophetic ministry. This book serves as an inspirational guide that puts God's great love back into prophetic ministry as a primary goal, full of real life stories that articulate the culture of love behind God's heart for the prophetic. Through a thought-provoking ministry philosophy and Shawn's glorious successes and very real failures, you will be inspired and equipped to learn how to hear God for yourself and others.
Highly Recommend book & video
"Translating God" at Book Depository
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"The Complete Wineskin" by Harold Eberle ... very insightful look at the role of church leadership, 5-fold ministry, and how they should cooperate for the most effective impact of The Body. A re-introduction of Holy Spirit's original blueprint for The Church. The Biblical model is presented in a clear and compelling manner. This books sets a great platform for any church in any culture!
A great read!
Highly Recommended.

Ascend Church is a committed supporter of unity in the Body of Christ and the wider Church of our city through the Rotorua Association of Christian Churches
Kia ko tahi tatou! Let us be one!

I runga i te ingoa o te Matua, o te Tama, o te Wairua Tapu. Amene.